There is more to maintaining a lawn than just “cutting the grass”.  Establishing and maintaining a healthy lawn requires adequate nutrients to help your lawn develop deep, life sustaining root systems.  We recommend an annual program of properly timed fertilizer, weed, and insect control applications to feed and strengthen your lawn, suppress weed growth, and prevent lawn destroying insect infestations.  As well, proper mowing practices play a large role in the overall health and appearance of your lawn.  “Don’t just get someone to cut your grass, hire Beechwood Landscaping to manicure your lawn”.

We also recommend the following lawn maintenance services for a healthier lawn:

  •  Soil testing for proper PH and micronutrients
  •  Lime application for PH and micronutrient adjustment.
  •  Aeration and over seeding.
  •  Application of organic soil building amendments.

In addition, we also provide complete lawn renovations, topsoil and seeding work, and sod installation.